• Analysing key factors creating Ly Nha Ky’s success in Cannes Film Festival
    Monday, 18/05/2015

    Ly Nha Ky was no less than once supprised public when she represented for Vietnam showing up in the West. Let’s analyse key factors creating Ly Nha Ky’s success in Cannes Film Festival.


    Ly Nha Ky and “Cannes 2015” were the most 02 “hot” key words 04 days ago. It’s originally the most prestigious Film Festival over the world, Cannes 2015 received attention from media and public over the world.


    Reported, in this event, Ly Nha Ky will spend nearly 10 days attending to activities in Cannes Film Festival, schedule is quite busy such as attending to red carpet Opening Ceremony to parties for world artists, taking part in to premiere of important films…


    Những hình ảnh ấn tượng của Lý Nhã Kỳ tại Cannes

    Ly Nha Ky’s impressive photos in Cannes Film Festival


    Although just having been on Cannes red carpet from 2013, the Former Vietnam Tourism Ambassador did not make her fans to be disappointed as she made strongly impression in consecutive anywhere she was showing up.


    Hence, the reasons why Ly Nha Ky was outstanding in Cannes Film Festival 2015:


    Investing billions on outfit


    Ly Nha Ky also shared, she invested on outfit as National superiority. Therefore, during attending to Film Festival, Ly Nha Ky did not make her fans to be dissappointed as her outfit is compared to movie Stars over the world.



    Lý Nhã kỳ luôn xuất hiện với thời trang ấn tượng

    Ly Nha Ky always showed up with impressive fashion.



    Ly Nha Ky’s outfit dressed in Cannes Film Festival which always selected carefully and consulted by stylists. Outfit by Couture Brand over the world with an “expensive price”.


    On the fourth day,Ly Nha Ky’s outfit which there are only 03 pieces of this original design over the world in British, France and Italy. In classic and discreet style, Ly Nha Ky’s outfit walking up the red carpet was outstanding her slender and feminine body shape.


    Chiếc váy chỉ có 3 cái trên thế giới được Lý Nhã Kỳ sử dụng trong ngày thứ 4

    There are only 03 pieces of original design over the world which Ly Nha Ky wore on the fourth day.



    On red carpet outfit set today, Ly Nha Ky combined with a diamond earrings by Paolo Piovan matching well with the elegant ruby studded collar, a clutch with sophisticating texturesby Marchesa.


    Each time walking on Cannes red carpet, Ly Nha Ky becomes more charming in the eyes of photographers and media.


    Classic and high-class fashion Gout


    Ly Nha ky was recognised as the best dressed woman of Vbiz and leading latest fashion trends. She likes not only classic fashion Gout in previous decades, but also a follower of voile laces. High-cost voile laces outfit created the elegant and high-class image of the “Mua he lanh” (Cold Summer) actress.


    Lý Nhã Kỳ luôn gây ấn tượng bởi guu thời trang cổ điển

    Ly Nha Ky always makes impression in classic fashion gout.



    Beside classic and sophisticated fashion, make-up style, elegant hairstyle Ly Nha ky received many of compliments.


    Comparing to Cannes 2013 with 02 billions dress by Chanel, Ly Nha Ky thought that she was not suitable for this Brand therefore, she selected dresses from 04 different designers.


    She also took off her weight to have a slender and feminine body shape, showing up her waist. The key helped Ly Nha Ky being more confident is that “let’s All-natural, normal, should not put many of pressures on herself”.


    Elegant and noble face


    Although she does not have an admirable height as other artists over the world, Ly Nha Ky made impression by her elegant and noble face. There were many ideas said that Ly Nha Ky has classic face matching well with her fashion style.


    Không ít lời khen dành cho gương mặt quý phái của Lý Nhã Kỳ

    There are many compliments for the elegant face of Ly Nha Ky.


    During Cannes Film Festival, she believed in Minh Loc stylist than a local ekip as hearsay.


    Her name is famous over the world


    Although Ly Nha Ky withdrawn Vbiz and focused only on doing business, she made trongly impression mark on the eyes of her friends in internal and international years ago. Before, she was representative of big and small Charitable Organization many times and attended meaningful activities internal as well as international.



    More particularly, a series of Couture Brands of Ly Nha Ky which were always performing as “daily meal” in her fashion shows. Beside, her name also put on leading French Museum - Les Arts Decoratifs as the main sponsor of Exhibition “Open fashion button” welcomed by high-class fashion designer over the world.



    Even the French renowned hat designer-Céline Robertalso designed a hat exclusively for her. This proved her influence in the West. Therefore, it is not supprised when Ly Nha Ky continued showing up in the most prestigious Film Festival over the world.


    “She only spent 03 hours per day to sleep”


    Although being had some walks on Cannes red carpet, the preparation of artists behind the scenes is not as different as “a War”.  With Ly Nha Ky, she only slept 03 hours per day then along with her ekip preparing for her appearance carefully, beside she still communicated towards her business in Vietnam.


    Having some minutes walking on red carpet, Ly Nha Ky and her ekip had to prepared carefully behind the scenes




    The schedule on red carpet is quite busy, there was unstable eat and drink and not the same time zones that made the “Mua he lanh” (Cold Summer) actress catched a heavy flu. However, she tried her best to complete her schedules in Cannes.


    “I spent only 03 hours to sleep, from yesterday till now I did not sleep whole night as packingpackages going back Vietnam within this morning (17/5, French hour). The photos on red carpet on the fourth day which were also my lastest photos in this Cannes Film Festival”.


    “I almost has not seen how the whole Cannes Film Festival took place yet, getting these things done then I has to get moving on the next things. My business currently had stacks of work. The organizers also invited me attending to Closing Ceremony however, I could not stay longer”, Ly Nha Ky said.


    The schedule in Cannes is quite busy, Ly Nha Ky got a high fever before the 4th day


    Cannes Film Festival will extend to 24th May. The absence of Vietnamese representative, it seemed that the attention of movie fans was reducing as they could not have a chance to“look at” her fashion style everyday.


    Source: Thanh Hien