For the very first time a vibrant figure of showbiz joining a social sport organization at national level, even holding the role of a leader: fashion model, actress and business woman Ly Nha Ky.

In the interview with BD&CS news, the new Vice President of Motor & Bike Federation of Vietnam affirms that her participation into the Federation is not for reputation or for fun but for truly dedication and contribution.
+ Ly Nha Ky: In term of Ambassador of Tourism, I had many opportunities to interact with many candidates and sport activities, used to directly contributed to the promotion of ASIAD hosting. As a matter I understand special values of sports as well as harsh training for competitions and glorious victory that requires so much sweats and tears of athletes.
I received numbers of offer from Federations, however due to limit in timing thus now I could be able to join in. Motor & Bike Federation is the sport type that I’m impressed with and most interested in, therefore I accepted the offer without hestitation. And it’s quite surprising that I was appointed for the role of Vice President in charge of public relation.
- A common reality in Federations is that there are many VIP figures from a variety of professions joining in, however due to many reasons they’re just purely the names. Do you actually care about that risk?
+ I understand the difficulties awaiting for me ahead, because I barely have free time for myself as well as motor & bike sport is relatively new to me. However I affirm that I do not participate in the Federation for reputation or for fun, but for truly dedication and contribution.

If I don’t have faith in achieving success I did not accept the offer. The target is that by end of my term I will bring considerable and noticeable achievements so people can remember of me as a Vice President not as a showbiz figure joining in the Federation for tacky things.
-Being a successful entrepreneur, Ly Nha Ky in role of Vice President has ever planned to sponsor or directly invest for the Federation as well as biking and motor sport activities?
+It would depend on particular circumstance and possibility, however for sure that I’m not a sponsor. According to my opinion, the most important target and mission of a Vice President being in charge of public relation is connecting, assembling and organizing in order to give a new lease of life on your sport field.
Whereby we can mobilize more and more social sources to pay attention to motor & bike, reinforce the movement strongly to every person and location in national wide, especially at schools as well as developing other international cooperation and exchanges...
-Being known that you do not receive salary of the Federation, and perhaps yourself can also feel the high expectation and the pressure towards you. Have you ever thought you can undertake this position of Vice President of the Federation?
+ Not only me but other standing committees of the Federation also do not receive salaries, and neither did I once I was the Tourism Ambassador. When accepting the Federation’s offer, I never thought I have to gain this or that, with simple thought that this is also a social activity, a movement that is beneficial for the community and for other facets. Certainly I also understand that if I do it well, my image and capacity will be acknowledged by the professions and sport fandom.

- What is you going to do first as the Vice President of Federation?
+ Previously I just participated in soft sport and exercise, now the very 1st thing I need to do is practicing biking and motor daily, frequently and effectively. This is also a way to help me directly promote for the sport that I’m in charge of.
I also specify that from now on biking & motor will be a part of my job that I mostly prioritize, during which I have to try my best to strictly follow local competitions as well as abroad competitions of national team. The most important thing is I will have to spend lots of time in order to build up a long-term & careful media plan with new features and high feasibility together with other members of the Federation to execute it well.
Everything is just a start for me, and I really expect to receive supports and and assistance from every one, and please let my actual doings and effective performance answer your questions.
Thao Phan