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  • "As long as the rumors still spread about me, the public still interest in me."
    Saturday, 16/11/2013

    (Charming VietNam) - “I don’t want to pretend to be poor. Why you have money and you don’t dare to use it according to your condition?” the beautiful Ly Nha Ky straight talk about her fashion interest.


    Mời bạn tìm đọc Tạp chí Duyên dáng Việt Nam tháng 10.2013 d


    Last August, Ly Nha Ky has left many surprised when she become the Ambassador of Vietnam Jewelry Queen first term. Her mission is to contribute to the promotion of Vietnam jewelry industry to the world. For many, this time maybe she was succesful to "polishes her reputation" once again but there are also supporter from public.


    Public is free to be nitpicking, love or sneering is also fine. But the person who involved in the story still very calm: "Sometimesthe noiseis beyondmy imagination. Each person have a different views and different mindset, I can’t go to see everyone and explain. I have a lot of thing to do more than some thing like that.”


    Lý Nhã Kỳ, Trang Nhung khoe




    Perhap, when begining to hold the destiny in her hand, spectacularly turning it as her desire, then the public opinions are not make Ms. Ky have to worry much.  On the contrary, it is an almost indispensable part of her life. In a conversation with the CEO of the diamond brand De Grisogono, she shared this and got a very impressive advice: You must be cheer up and feel happy because you still have those piecesof slander, that means there are many people care about you!”. And that's the story that she will remember if she have problem.


    “Nếu ai đó quan tâm đến sự nghiệp của tôi, thì thấy rằng ở mỗi thời kỳ tôi đều có những dấu mốc quan trọng để mọi người nhớ đến trong điện ảnh cũng như kinh doanh. Bởi vậy, tôi chẳng có lí do gì mà phải “đánh bóng” tên tuổi mình cả, ít nhất thì tôi nghĩ những dấu mốc đó cũng đã đủ làm tên tôi sáng rồi.” cô trải lòng về điều mà mọi người thích nói nhất về mình. “Nhưng thực tế thì số đông vẫn nhắc đến chị vì những món đồ đắt tiền hơn là vì tài năng trong nghệ thuật…” tôi cắc cớ.


    "If someone care about my career, they would found that each time I have the milestone to make people remember both in cinema and business. Therefore, I have no reason but to "polish my name” at all, at least I think those milestones is enough to make my name." She confidence about what people most likely to talk about her. "But the fact is most people still talk about you because of  your expensive stuff  than talk about your ability in art ..." I ironic questioned.


    Quick thinking, she added: "Luxury can not bring the talent. That would be too easy, just put on the diamond ring is done . (laughs) I think when people have talent, have been successful in life, they will always try to have a more perfect spiritual life and physical life. I dare to work strenuously, had been successful in various fields, the expensive things I used is only appropriate.I don’t want to pretend to be poor. Why you have money and you don’t dare to use it according to your condition?”.


    Therefore, Ly Nha Ky has always choose to have a very prominent appearance before the public. From clothing to jewelry, all items are expensive up to billion. not only that, from a customer, Ly Nha Ky was surprised the public with a very bold decision to become the mistress of the luxury goods industry. Many people have said that in Vietnam women who dare to trade in diamond and luxury brands fashion at the same time, Ms Ky is the only one. "I do not like using the word” diamond selling". Basically, this business sector has specific characteristics which in the “special consume” field so if call it that way is not appropriate. I had many opportunities to travel and meet with the elite, most of them are the world's leading fashion designer, so my mind was broadened greatly. That was one of my inspirations that helps me be bolder when I open the high-class fashion center." She confided.


    Lý Nhã Kỳ, Trang Nhung khoe




    Already a mistress of a luxury store at  the most expensive area of Saigon, but Ly Nha Ky has always been scrutinized most by the public when she wears luxury brand clothes. Whoever wears top brand is no problem but whenever Ms Ky wears it, the public criticizes heavily.  There are both the disparagement and the compliments. Just type her name with the key word “top brand clothes”, you will easily see a thousand involved article. Talk about that, she told: “Don’t quickly judge someone style. Fashion is about innovation and always changing continuously, so sometime your opinion will be old fashion thinks. I always knew the strengths and weaknesses of mine. I know my strength is stick with the classic, noble fashion style. However, sometimes I want to break the rule to know more about my ability. The trial always brings great benefit are the experience and the lessons to learn”.


    At first, the businessmen knows Ly Nha Ky as an actor, but now they know she as a capable businesswomen. Besides owning a professional workgroup, few know that Ms Ky selects by her hand each outfit, diamond for her store. She said: "I'm a perfectionist, and I want everything must be perfect. Therefore, I have to do by myself. I have a talented staffs but I also have been fortunate to have an aesthetic eye. Then I have better sense to choose the right product for my customers. Vietnamese taste is quite different. sometimes I still have to edit something to be more appropriate."


     In her world, Ms Ky’s relationship is a form of those pieces of slander that she has always faced. Her family is normal, but her “twinned families” always create public’s noise. Especially when they are all have high social position. Such as her two twinned mothers Alice Chiu - famous Hong Kong billionaire , Madame Wong - chairman of the diamond brands, or two twinned billionaire brothers Soofen Hu and Chavit Singson - Filipino businessman and politician. As we see, Ms Ky is very skilled at building relationships around her. So, there is nothing to wonder when her intimate relationships in the branded fashion industry is continuously extended. Most recently, the two designers of the famous brands Alexis Mabille, Georges Hobeika. How she conquered these difficult customers? Quietly sipped tea, she said: "By living simply, sincerely, devoted and efficient work. While shaking hands with them, I always do everything with passion and an assertive attitude, not half-hearted. They see that so they like me."


    Because always fascinated and fulfilled in work then whatever the public said, Ms Ky always goes on by her own way. The public is always something behind this luxury brand’s mistress. She explained: "Because they can not accept what I have, what I do is the truth". Now, she is almost immune to any rumor. Whatever they said she does not care, she just does her jobs, just needs the trust form her partner and the success.


    My story and Ms Ky close as she prepared to meet a visitors from overseas. Before goodbye, I asked: "Business has been busy, in addition now working as the jewelry ambassador. Is it ok?”.  Ms Ky just laughed and told:" Look at what I do, you will find the answer!" Yeah, they just wait for the results. Suddenly I remember the time when she was accredited to Vietnam tourism ambassador. On her appointment, people strive to defamation, opposition. But now, those people said that no one better than her to take this position. Clearly, it is the public opinion...


    Lynk Jewelry - Fashion

    30 Dong Khoi, Dist.1, HCMC
