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  • Ly Nha Ky bought fashion collections to support people at Central of Vietnam
    Sunday, 20/10/2013

    Ly Nha Ky spent considerable amount of money to buy a collection of designer Quang Nhat in the live TV program "Vietnam Fashion Star” to support the people at Central of Vietnam.


    In the first live show night of 11 designers of the program “Fashion Star” with the topic “Who am I”, which took place in night of 19th Oct, Ly Nha Ky has appeared with gentleness and the strange style of 60’s fashion. She joined with the actress Dan Le and entrepreneur Vu Anh to invest in designer collections that were performed in the program. Investors can bid to win their favorite collections.


    The application and the interaction is the requirement of the design in the program. However, the designs of the first night of competition have not been appreciated and did not make strong impression or have high applicability. Therefore, investors have expressed deliberation. In 11 Collections, Ly Nha Ky just bought 2 collections by designer Quang Nhat Quang Trong and by Tang Thanh Cong.


    Ly Nha Ky in the role of investors in the "Vietnam Fashion Star" (photo: Ly Vo Phu Hung)


    In chair of Investors, with the business acumen of high fashion, Ly Nha Ky has commented justifiable and received supporting from the audience. When decided to  buy the collection of designer Quang Nhat Quang Trong, Ly Nha Ky said she will exhibit the collection at her high-fashion boutique Lynk 30 Dong Khoi Street, District 1, HCMC.  All the proceeds from the sale will be sent to the Central compatriots who aresuffering by natural disasters caused by floods.


    In particular, immediately after the program, young designer Quang Nhat Quang Trong expressed the appreciation to warm heart of Ly Nha Ky, and he decided to use 30 million VND that Ly Nha Ky purchased his collection to contribute for the compatriots at Central of Vietnam together with Ly Nha Ky.


    Beside the program, Ly Nha Ky also shared that the collection brings special spiritual significance. It is the expression of unity and national pride. This is also the reason why Ly Nha Ky decided to go to the decision to invest in buying this Collection. The choice of Ly Nha Ky in order to convey the desired message to young designers that please help to honor the national culture and raise nation-esteem in the procession of fashion, economics integration.


    An item in the collection of designers Quang Nhat Quang Trong" 

    Besides that profound Meaning, Ly Nha Ky see that Quang Nhat’s collection converges many valuable Factors that worth to Invest  such as delicate cutting, sharp seam, beautiful silhouette , higher applicability than other collections in the competition night.


    Thu Linh/VOV online
