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  • Ly Nha Ky: I will contribute to raising the Vietnam brand
    Tuesday, 07/01/2014

    Many Vietnam goods have good quality, and be appreciated by the world but the branding is weak. In her new role at the Association of Vietnamese artists and brands, Ly Nha Ky said she would support the business to overcome this limitation.


    - Why you decided to take the position of vice president in charge of the branding of the Association of Vietnamese artists and brand?


    - The reason is not so different from the reason I assumed the Vietnamese tourism ambassador.


    I also like other people to Vietnam, when you grow up, get a bit of success in life and u found that u have responsible to contribute to the country. Go to anywhere in the world, I am also proud to be Vietnamese. Promoting tourism orbringing the vietnam brand to the world is also a way that I contribute to introduce our country's image to the world.




    How do you assess the quality of Vietnamese products?


    - I've observed a women doing embroidery and call she as an “artists " because their arms are really talented when they can create these wonderful embroidered paintings. There are paintings made ​​with hundreds of the day.


    I admire the subtle, ingenious magic of their hands. It is one of the essences of Vietnam brand that the world even has toadmit. Unfortunately in other country, the handicrafts art are extremely expensive because they understand the value of the word “handmade" and the energy that workers had spent in it, but In Vietnam, those items has not been priced properly. If we do brand building better the value of product will be morecorrectly understand.  




    - So according to you, to conquer the consumer what are the elements that Vietnamese products need to have?


    - First is the prestige of the manufacturer. Prestige will stipulate the quality of products as well as the "treatment" of the manufacturer to the customer, have been consistent or not. In life, too, to capture the feelings of another person, Prestige is the first thing to have. The product needs to be priced according to the values ​​help consumers feel satisfied and comfortable to buy.


    - When touring around the world, what kind of Vietnamese productthat you found impressive the most?


    - There are times I went to a Korean supermarket, found among many different items of South Korea, Japan, the dried cuttlefish from Vietnam. Honestly, I was very proud and buy to support right away. My friends say there are many countries in the world sells coffee from Vietnam, I think that's what we must beproud of Vietnam.


    I do not have much time to find out about how Vietnamese products have been received in another country, because I always so busy with meeting. But my friend has asked me to buy coffee from Vietnam and praise that Vietnamese coffee is delicious and quality.


    - Over time, many Vietnamese famous brands like P/S ,Tribeco, Diana ... was the takeover by the foreign businesses. As someone who is about to engage in the field of Vietnam branding, what can you say about this phenomenon?


    - I think, in business, while building a reputable brand, has the power to give foreign investors see strong growth potential in the future and decided to buy the brand, it is good sign, not bad. whenThe foreign investors have jumped into the Vietnamese market, they must had seen the huge potential of the Vietnamese brand that has successfully built.


    And I said that, although foreign investors bought the product but trademarks Vietnam will forever be trademarks Vietnam. If foreign investors buy more and replication sold worldwide, no matter which product in any country is still well known to customers as brand from Vietnam and not from any other country. Customers interested in their product traceability, quality and price, not just people who operating it.


    I myself hope Vietnam has more brands that can attract the foreign investors so that they can help us expand our brand more.


    - Became vice president in charge of the Vietnamese brand willit changes your fashion sense? such as: will switch to using all Vietnamese products?


    - I think do not mix my personal life with my role and responsibilities in the association of Vietnamese brands and artisans.


    The role and responsibilities of me and members of leadership Council is to support, stand with Vietnamese brands to find directions to be stronger each day, reach the international level ...


    - What will you do to help elevate the Vietnamese brand reach out to the world ?


    - As mentioned above, I will work closely with the leadership of the Association to plan the options, specific strategies to promote unity, link of the brands in the country, find out what is the best direction in the development process ...


    Vietnam Artisan, Vietnamese people do business very good, however, the investment in brand building and developing their brand is still weak, which is one of the reasons for the Association of Vietnamese brands and artisans born, and that is why I desire to be very small contribution to the efficient support for more powerful brand.
