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  • The first time Ly Nha Ky mentioned “money matter” in being Ambassador mission
    Friday, 11/04/2014

    When undertook position Ambassador of Tourism, many times Ly Nha Ky has spent her own money to organize conferences about tourism. To become Ambassador of Tourism, in Ly Nha Ky’s opinion, there are issues that money cannot solve (unless you have tons of money).


    Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam already has certain standard to select one proper Ambassador of Tourism, at your angle what is the most important standard that you think?


    According to me, there are critical factors that the person as Ambassador of Tourism shall successfully implement to create such impact on the Ambassador role, which require suitable campaign to promote Vietnam images to over the world effectively. In order to achieve this, not only you need to join social activities, non-governmental organizations to introduce Vietnam within these frameworks, but you also must possess the capacity and energy to participate with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism to attain relationships and associations in regards of promoting tourism domestically and internationally, and to reach world corporations who successfully invested in Vietnam tourism field…


    Lý Nhã Kỳ lần đầu nói đến chữ “Tiền” trong công việc Đại sứ

    After many calls from Ministry of Sports, Culture and Tourism, it appears that there are not many candidates applying for this position. Up to you, the reason is because this role is not appealing or is too challenging?


    In my opinion, the role of Ambassador of Vietnam Tourism is not a title or a prize for any individual, it is a job that requires you to have capacity not talent, you’ve got to have vision and knowledge about tourism field, not about giving speeches or art performances, because you are not leaflet-man, you have to create linking and pervasiveness… which is not easy for candidates. I myself think that we should be calmed to seek out a definitely appropriate candidate, who can strongly undertake the role of continuing promotion to Vietnam tourism image in particular and our country image in general to the world.  


    There are not only few people say that Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism ought to seek, select, invite and honor a face to become Ambassador of Tourism, so they do not have to rely on self-application currently, what do you think?


    If you look into our neighbor Asian countries, you will see there are artists such as Jackie Chan and Andy Lau being invited to become Ambassador of Tourism, not applying by themselves. Jackie Chan and Andy Lau has achieved many angles of life, in art, in business, in social activities, they are persons who having certain positions in society and politics mentality… Hence, when being Ambassador of Tourism they have powerful influences. I think that seeking an Ambassador by application or invitation happens to be the same as long as you can pick out the appropriate one to develop the tourism.

    Lý Nhã Kỳ lần đầu nói đến chữ “Tiền” trong công việc Đại sứ

    With current situation, when candidates are considered as not convincing enough, many quit this position. Department of International Corporation has intention to select specific Ambassador of Tourism representing specific areas. How do you support?


    I think that Ambassadors of Vietnam representing each country is the one that we need to aim and develop, for example the circumstance of artist Liu Xiao Ling Tong, at each country we should select a local person who has great influence to become Vietnamese Ambassador and the bridge to promote Vietnam image and culture. However in Vietnam, I only support the option of having one and only Ambassador of Tourism.


    In exchange discussion with candidates that you joined, there are not few people show their regrets for your withdraw from position of Ambassador of Tourism, at the same time they want you to return to this role. If you were invited to return, would you or would you insistently not?


    Honestly, I had unexplainably touching and happy moments. I was completely touched when an elder audience standing up to raise opinions and show deep concerns about image of Ambassador of Vietnam Tourism. The last sentence said was that I am qualified to return to the role of Ambassador of Tourism, this is really “sweet fruit” to my efforts during my mission term.


    There was a student who I adore because he is very knowledgeable about tourism and mastering number of hotel quality, current tourist situation of Vietnam, and he also wants me to return… I grew up as Vietnamese in my blood, my father transmitted to my heart with great love and spirit of national pride, therefore I am always ready to do helpful things for my country and community. I myself have travelled many places in the world, so I always have thirst to see image of Vietnam being adored and respected in the world.

     Hình ảnh Lý Nhã Kỳ trong buổi giao lưu với các ứng viên Đại sứ Du lịch hôm 6/4
    Image of Ly Nha Ky in exchange discussion with Ambassador of Tourism candidates on 6th April 2014


    According to regulations of selecting Ambassador of Tourism, this is voluntary job, no salary, no support for any expense in activities; even person in role of Ambassador has to mobilize for economy resource to serve these activities. Did you spend your money or how did you mobilize economy resource for activities? 


    My advantage is that I am a business woman therefore finance is enough for initiative activities. However, finance matter only takes 50% of success, remaining 50% depends on advantages from international relationships.  I fortunately gain good relationships with politics and top business men from many countries such as Philippine, Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Dubai, Hong Kong… therefore there are many opportunities of direct association with governmental offices in tourism fields to seek for development opportunities for Vietnamese tourism.


    During my term, I held many conferences about Vietnam tourism at countries and help them to seek for investment opportunities in Vietnam tourism. Conferences and parties that I held in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Beijing gathered many successful tourism corporations in the world, I also combined with corporations to organize tourist trips to Vietnam efficiently…


    There are issues that money cannot solve (unless you have tons and tons of money), especially international relationships. 

    Hình ảnh Lý Nhã Kỳ trong buổi giao lưu với các ứng viên Đại sứ Du lịch hôm 6/4

    Madam Esthy Reko Astuty – General Director of Indonesia Tourism  Department gifted souvenir to Ly Nha Ky 
