After walking out of the airport gate, she was absolutely surprised and touched when hundreds of fans waiting at the airport for a while to zealously welcome her back and together at the same time shouting “Lady Ky”, “Diana of Vietnam”. Her fans also prepared banner and her images in Cannes few days ago.
After many days staying at abroad, Ly Nha Ky was blissful coming back to her home land.
To respond the love of her fans, Ly Nha Ky was very friendly and zealous taking pictures, talking and listening to their confidence. She was greatly touched knowing many people had to start going at very early timing to arrive the airport in time with others just to meet their idol. There were also fans who staying in Thailand knew arrival time of Ly Nha Ky so had to catch return flight early to land in before Ly Nha Ky 2 hours to be able to meet her at the airport. It was more surprising when there were elder women also gathered at the airport to show their admiration and looking for a chance taking picture with Ly Nha Ky once…
What Ly Nha Ky performed in Cannes had shown that the image of Vietnamese women stepping out to the world can be totally beautiful and gorgeous, no more old-fashioned and shy manner that is usually seen. Ly Nha Ky is completely proud of herself and the public could be proud of her too. However, Ly Nha Ky’s act by taking a bow to her fans, to those who always stay beside and support her so she can complete missions that not many people can think of and have guts to do.
In the meeting, her fans admitted that they were very proud when Ly Nha Ky leaving superb impression which was not inferior to any big international stars in Cannes, this had brought Vietnam image to attention on red carpet of the world’s top Film Festival. Such pride had made them looking forwards to meeting with Ly Nha Ky and could not wait for the day she landed so they could express their feelings to her. Her fans also called Ly Nha Ky with the name “Lady Ky” or “Diana Princess of Vietnam” proudly, like the way the reputation French magazine had called Ly Nha Ky.
Being so moved by affection of fandom, Ly Nha Ky hugged her fans warmly and affectionately. They were especially stunned when seeing ly Nha Ky taking a bow to thank them respectfully before saying goodbye. After a long flight from France to Vietnam, Ly Nha Ky’s fatigue completely faded away when she received such warmness and affection of her fandom.

Ly Nha Ky continued to linger on her car to sign and take pictures. After saying goodbye, she came straight to her Mother’s house after many absent days. Her fans said that it’s Ly Nha Ky’s friendliness is one of many reasons they dedicate affection to their idol
Ly Nha Ky said after goodbye her fans, she will go straight to her mom’s house after many absent days