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  • Ly Nha Ky beautiful on the set of “E-BOOK” with director Olivier Assayas
    Tuesday, 12/12/2017

    After the official announcement about her newest role as the co-producer along with Maggie Cheung’s former husband, Ly Nha Ky quickly appeared in France working on the set of “E-book”, as well as starting on another international movie investment. 


    As a movie project from director Olivier Assayas that will be competing in many critical film festivals in 2018, E-book has started on schedule along with a group of very talented people. Setting in Southern Paris, France, and Spain, the stars of the movie Juliette Binoche (Academy Award Winner for 1997 “Best Supporting Actress”), Guillaume Canet (Cesar Award Winner for Best Lead Actor), and Vincent Macaign are completely focusing on the movie so that they can wrap up for editing before Christmas.


    ly nha ky len phim truong e book lam viec voi dao dien olivier assayas


    Being well known for her wide connection with many celebrities, worldwide politicians, and her appearances as guest on many prestigious red carpets and events around the world, Ly Nha Ky once again reaffirmed her position and name among the international producers community.  


    ly nha ky len phim truong e book lam viec voi dao dien olivier assayas


    In her sharing, she happily revealed that it was such an honor working with director Olivier Assayas and producer Charles Gillibert for their intellect and experiences, and she could learn a lot from them. She told us: “I love how the French crew is running the whole production. There are hundreds of people working together in an absolutely smooth and compatible way, creating an extremely professional environment for the actors. At any time, the producers closely observe the process and are always ready to meet any request from the directors and the team. Quality is the main visible goal in everybody’s mind”.


    ly nha ky len phim truong e book lam viec voi dao dien olivier assayas


    To ensure the integrity of a competing work in many prestigious awards, details about this movie are kept unpublished. Even some of the most well known film magazines in France only got to discover that their famous screenwriter, director, critic, and 5 times Golden Palm Winner was producing a new movie through a picture posted on Twitter on the first day shooting.


    ly nha ky len phim truong e book lam viec voi dao dien olivier assayas


    Also during this trip, after working with director Olivier Assayas, and producer Charles Gillibert in Paris, Ly Nha Ky continued to Cannes to arrange for another movie project starring by the “French Rose” Marion Cotillard. She hasn't disclosed any information about the storyline as well as the cast, director, producers of the movie.


    ly nha ky len phim truong e book lam viec voi dao dien olivier assayas


    Being an international movie producer is one of many crucial steps in Ly Nha Ky’s plan. This trip also rekindled the acting passion in her heart, the one she has put aside for a long time due to other business and charity. The Elle Magazine’s 2016 Woman of the Year is sure to say that she will be back in front of the camera in the nearest future.








    Minh Nguyễn

    Photo: Linh Lê Paris

    Jewelries: Paolo Piovan

    Outfit: LYNK Fashion

    Make up: Hồng Trang

    Hair Stylist: Hoài Thương