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  • Ly Nha Ky does not brag !
    Thursday, 11/07/2013

    Ly Nha Ky has appearedwith world famous stars at the Georges Hobeika fashion show and she has been interviewed by Fashion TV.


    Last week, Ly Nha Ky has paid attention to the press when she’s been invited to both Paris high-end fashion shows,include Alexis Mabille and Georges Hobeika, as a VIP guest. She’s not only appeared in the show but she’s also taken photographs with Zhou Xun and Karl Lagerfel - the famous designer of Chanel.


    In some pictures showed by Ly Nha Ky’s ekip, she’s been interviewed by world press, especially the Fashion TV chanel. Some one think one of them is fake. However, the media representative of Ly Nha Ky has expressed the opinion to confirm that photograph was edited for better but not fake.


    Both the recent clip in the focus of the Fashion TV’s home page and the short interview have desmonstrated that Ly Nha Ky’s not bragged. More surprise, she’s appeared in the focus of the clip and been interviewed with world famous stars. In the clip, she’s introduced herself that she is a Vietnamese actress and she’s extremely happy and proud as participating in the Georges Hobeika show and wearing the brand’s clothes


    Watching the clip of Ly Nha Ky in Fashion TV:


     Lý Nhã Kỳ không "nổ"! - 1

    The clip appeared in the focus of the Fashion TV’s home page


    Lý Nhã Kỳ không "nổ"! - 2


    Lý Nhã Kỳ không "nổ"! - 3


    Lý Nhã Kỳ không "nổ"! - 4

    In this fashion show, She dressed outstandingly

    Lý Nhã Kỳ không "nổ"! - 5

    Lý Nhã Kỳ không "nổ"! - 6

    … and interviewed by Fashion TV

